Alias Domaines   “Being On This Boat Is Not Revenge” - 2020
Commission by Radiophrenia, Glasgow
Alias Domaines is a cross-Atlantic collaboration between Sukaina Kubba and Craig Mulholland.  
Alias Domaines is a semi-fictional space where exchange occurs by proxy. 
Alias Domaines is theoretically and virtually located on a cruise ship that travels between the ports of New York City and Southampton, UK. 
Our ship is part of the Cunard Transatlantic Fleet, a real cruise ship company. 

CUNARD: The Cunard brand is a nostalgia for art-deco design and lifestyle aspirations. 
From a post-colonial perspective, art-deco functions as sugar-coating or white-washing of harsh modernist and colonialist power relations driving international capitalism.  While it inhabits a space outside national lands and laws, the Cunard is an allegory for British class relations and British colonialism.  
A cross-section of the ship reveals a microcosm and floating representation of the hierarchy of class and racial structures. 

SETTING: First Class Lounge, Deck, Cabins, Storage Unit and Connecting Spaces 
CHARACTERS: Beverly Valenzuela: Concierge and Aspiring Fashion Designer
John Templeton: Entertainments Manager and Pianist   

“Being on this boat, it’s not revenge”
Edouard Glissant, filmed aboard the Cunard from Martinique to France, reflecting on the terrible journey his ancestors took in the opposite direction across the Atlantic. From “Edouard Glissant: One World in Relation” directed by Manthia Diawara, 2009

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